Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Two to Three

I didn't write yesterday because I didn't do my workout until 8:45 last night. I was tired yesterday and didn't feel like doing one but knew I needed to to get-a-going again. I told myself I would just run 2 miles and then I ended up doing 3. I am really working on my portion sizes and I can tell I am making some head way. Plus, Jay and I are really sticking to our budget these days, which really makes me not want to go grad a quick burger. So I have been doing really good with not eating out.

Today, I am not so sure that I will be able to run a marathon (in the future). Maybe I just need to wake up a little and I will feel a little more confident. We just signed up for Netflix's this past weekend. Jay said he saw a Marathon documentary on there, so that would be good for me to watch.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Momma's got a Brand New Bag, oh I Mean New Pair of Shoes

I am doing much better now. I still have drainage (sorry, it is gross) but my glands don't really feel sore any more. I am going to start up on my schedule tomorrow! I am actually looking forward to it. I weighed myself yesterday and I was 145.6.

I have been saving up my money that I have been making on Craigslist to buy running shoes. In totally I saved $92.00. So, yesterday we went to Fleet Feet in Fayetteville to go get me some good shoes. I tried on three different pairs and I decided on one. I hope they will be good ones cause I ended up spending like $109 on them!!! Don't worry, I brought my extra spending cash with me to cover the rest. I am excited to try those puppies out tomorrow.

One thing I keep on reading is, to try to train outside and not on a treadmill. This is a little bit of a problem. I have a big honking double (jogging) stroller and one boy to push, plus it is like 10 degrees outside, plus I don't have a good place to run around here, plus it is like 10 degrees outside! So, I guess for now I will train on the treadmill.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009



Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday the 13th of Jan. 2009

So much for the daily writing! Weekends are hard so I am not going to be too hard on myself. I just weighed myself and I am 146. Yippy, two pounds gone already! Sunday, Jay and I did the "Below the Belt" workout. Then yesterday I rain 2 miles. I tried to run the first mile faster than normal and then picked it up the next 1/2 then eased off for a lap. The last lap I ran hard! My knee and foot are still a little bit of an issue. I am saving up money to get some nice running shoes, hopefully the shoes will help.

I have changed my eating habits quite a bit. I am really trying to watch my portion size and I am trying to eat more frequently. This is hard for me because I am the kind of girl that wants to eat a bunch at lunch and dinner. I know this will be good for me so I am working on it. I also am trying to cut way back on the eating out, so far so good! I have been feeling really good physically, I can tell my body has been enjoying the changes!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Which one to choose?

Jay, is going to run the marathon with me and I am so excited about that! He is worried that he isn't going to have the time to devote to the training because of his work. I am going to try to help encourage him along the way and I know he can do it, plus this will be his second one to run. We are looking to do the race late this fall or early winter. There are 3 marathons that I am considering so far. St. George (Utah) Marathon, Rt. 66 Marathon (Tulsa, OK), Walt Disney Marathon. Some are lottery style entries so I know we need to decide quickly where we want to run this beast and hopefully we will get in. That give us close to a year to train.

Yesterday, we received our Sierra Trading Post order. Jason ordered a pair of shoes and we both got two pairs of running shorts. I held up the shorts and boy they looked short and so did Jay's! We tried them on in the kitchen and yes they are short. I felt like my fat thighs were just totally exposed. Jay told me that I would soon grow into them, he meant the opposite but I knew what he meant. I hope so!

Today I weigh 148.2. I would love to get to the 130 range. That isn't my goal, the marathon is my goal, it would just be an extra bonus. Not sure what I am going to do today for my cross training. It is going to be nice today so I think I am going to go out and about with my boy and take advantantage of 70 degree weather in January!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Works for Me

Tuesdays and Thursdays I meet with a walking group in the evenings from 8:30 to 9:45. Where I live, we don't have a track in our town or even a lot of sidewalks. The group meets in the High School parking lot because it is well lit, works for me! The pace is pretty good so I feel like I am doing something but nothing to vigorous. I think I am calling this my rest day, though. I already am switching my schedule but at lease I am staying active. My foot is still really bothering me and my right knee is acting up. If they are bugging me tomorrow I will just work my tummy area, that area needs a lot of help anyway! I was going to weigh myself this morning but I forgot to so I will just post my weight tomorrow, Fun Fun!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Training Begins!

Training began this week for me. My schedule for now looks like this:

Sun.- Rest Day
Mon.- Crosstrain (work on core strengthing, my legs, whatever sounds fun)
Tues.- Long Run (I am not sure if I want to switch this with Wednesday)
Weds.- Short Run
Thurs.- Rest Day
Fri.- Crosstrain
Sat.- Short Run

Today (Wednesday), I ran 8 miles on my treadmill at 5.5 miles an hour. The kids watched "Kung Fu Panda" while I ran. It took me 86 minutes to run the 8 miles. Almost the exact length of times as the movie. Cool, I know! My left foot had a pain in it most of my run. I think my big thighs makes my feet turn out and hurts my left foot. That is just a guess! I need to go to Fleet Feet in Fayetteville and get some new shoes and maybe they can tell me what I am doing wrong.

I plan on writing the good, the bad and the ugly everyday. What I hope to get out of this is just an account of what it took for me to make it to my goal. I am excited!