Monday, October 4, 2010

Go Away, Pulled Muscle Thingy!

There is a website that Jay introduced me to that I really like, it is It lets me do exactly that. I can run anywhere in my town and it maps it for me and lets me know how far I ran. Not only that, it keeps track of my runs, has a calendar of my workout, tells me calories burned and a lot more. If you like to run outside it is a nice site!

Well, a little over a month ago I did something to my body. It is a hard place to describe where it is and it is hard to describe what I did. Confused? I am too! Well the best place to explain when I hurt is right around my left ovary and I think I would describe it as a pulled muscle. I kept on working out through my discomfort because once I warmed up it didn't bug me. Then I got sick with a cold about a week ago so I went into the doctor and told them about this too. They told me to take it easy for a week and take some IB Prophen. So that is where I am. I haven't worked out since Tuesday of last week and I feel like I have eaten like a horse, which I hate! I haven't seen much improvement in that area cause when I cough it hurts there! GO AWAY, Pulled Muscle Thingy!!!

I have a soccer game tomorrow. I hope I am ready.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm Back and Better than Ever! Well, at least Better than Before!

Ok, it has been around a year and a half since I last posted so I decided today is the day to start again! Well, a lot has happened during my hiatus; almost 20 pounds lost, a half marathon under my belt and I am playing soccer again. My marathon dreams have disappeared but I am not down on myself because of this. I have a love for running now and I have found that a half marathon is good enough for me!!! I guess I might need to consider changing my blog title!?

Today I ran 5 miles outside and it felt good. I bought some new running clothes yesterday that I like a lot. I really feel like a good top that is designed for running helps, instead of a bulky tee shirt that can chafe and get in your way. I am trying to run 3 time a week and I am playing on two soccer teams so I have two game a week as a cross training time. I want to do a half marathon in November so I need to start working on some more long runs again. This summer was so hot so I didn't do a lot of them well actually I think I did one 7 miler and that was it and all were under that.

I am loving soccer. I can't remember if I was playing soccer when I started this blog. I think I have been playing for around a year and a half now. It really was an answer to prayer. I had prayed that I could some how play again and about a week later a gal from my past called to see if I could be on her team in Springdale! I have scored 3 goal this season, yay! I just started playing on a co-ed team, that should be fun and a little less competitive, we will see. First game was suppose to be last night but got canceled.

Well, this was fun! Maybe I will try to keep this up and going! Until my next exercising adventure!